Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut?

Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut?

Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut? Sauerkraut (German for sour cabbage) is often used to flavor and preserve sausages, but can dogs eat sauerkraut? Dogs have an incredibly sensitive stomach and may get sick from eating this type of food.

 Before you serve your dog sauerkraut, there are a few things that you should consider. Find out if dogs can eat sauerkraut by reading our article!


Many people enjoy eating sauerkraut, and it is a great addition to many dishes. However, can dogs eat sauerkraut? The answer is yes, and there are some benefits to this. 

However, you need to be careful about the type of sauerkraut that you give them as not all types of sauerkraut are good for them. If you don’t know what kind of sauerkraut to give your dog then it’s best to avoid giving them any at all. 

It’s also important to note that if your dog has any allergies or sensitivities, it may react negatively when given certain types of food. 

You should always check with your vet before feeding any new food to your pet. Your vet will be able to tell you what foods are safe for them and which ones are not. 


What Is Sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut is an ancient food dating back to the early 1100s. Essentially, it is cabbage that has been fermented in a saltwater solution. The word sauerkraut comes from the German words Sauer meaning sour, and kraut meaning plants. 

This dish was a staple of Central European cuisine and it is still popular today. It’s important to make sure the kind you buy doesn’t have any added vinegar or sugar as these can be dangerous for your dog.  

Once you’ve got the right kind of sauerkraut, it can be given as a treat but should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s diet. While fresh and unpasteurized sauerkraut can be good for dogs, many brands are pasteurized so they are safe to eat.

 If you are using raw sauerkraut which hasn’t been pasteurized, it should only come into contact with the outside of your dog’s mouth (or inside if they lick their paws). 

Raw fermented vegetables such as this should never come into contact with a dog’s stomach because they may contain harmful bacteria. but it should not replace regular meals.

The Benefits Of Sauerkraut For Dogs 

Sauerkraut is a delicious German dish that is typically eaten with pork or sausage. It can also be served as a side dish and has numerous health benefits for both dogs and humans. However, it’s important to know that not all sauerkrauts are safe for dogs to eat. 

In general, the most beneficial kind of sauerkraut for dogs is Lacto-fermented sauerkraut. Lacto-fermented foods contain high levels of healthy bacteria that help promote better digestion and gut health in both people and animals alike! The best part about this type of sauerkraut is that you can feed your dog up to 2 tablespoons without any negative effects. 

You should always make sure the sauerkraut does not have sugar added to it, as sugar will cause gas and bloating in dogs just like it does for humans. If you notice gas or bloating after giving your dog some sauerkraut, discontinue use immediately.

Nutritional Benefits Of Sauerkraut For Dogs

Sauerkraut is a type of fermented cabbage that has many health benefits for dogs. It is rich in probiotics and can aid in digestion, weight loss, and skin allergies. 

It also contains vitamin C and antioxidants. As long as it is fed in moderation, sauerkraut can be an excellent healthy treat for your pup! The only downside to feeding too much sauerkraut to your dog is the risk of constipation.

 A tablespoon or two per day should be plenty. Be sure not to feed any other table scraps while doing this because anything salty, sweet, or greasy could cause diarrhea. 

Make sure your pups have access to fresh water at all times as well. For even more nutritional benefits, you can use apple cider vinegar with lemon juice. Add one teaspoon of each for every cup of sauerkraut ().

How To Introduce Sauerkraut To Your Dog’s Diet

Sauerkraut is a fermented food that can be added to a dog’s diet to increase the number of beneficial bacteria present in the gut. It has been shown to be more effective than probiotics at promoting healthy digestion and reducing gas, bloating, and diarrhea. 

The fermentation process also helps break down proteins into smaller pieces that are easier for dogs to digest and it boosts their immune system.

 The high levels of vitamin C found in sauerkraut also help boost the immune system and ward off infections while providing a source of electrolytes. 

The easiest way to introduce sauerkraut to your dog’s diet is by topping his kibble with it or adding it as an ingredient to his favorite meal. 

You can also feed him small amounts mixed with water to ensure he enjoys the flavor. Consult your veterinarian before adding any new foods to your dog’s diet since some foods may not be safe or appropriate for them.  

When introducing new foods, try starting out slow and then gradually increasing the portion size if they seem to enjoy it. Don’t give your dog fruit (except apples) until they’ve reached adult size because fruits contain sugars that aren’t good for a puppy’s sensitive digestive system.

Tips For Feeding Dogs Sauerkraut

Dogs can eat sauerkraut but it should be eaten in moderation and not all at once. Too much sauerkraut can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea.

 It is usually recommended that you feed your dog a small amount, like a teaspoonful of sauerkraut for every 10 pounds of weight every day. You should also keep the sauerkraut out of reach from your dog because it could be very tempting to them. 

The acidity in the sauerkraut may also irritate their stomach if they ingest too much too quickly. Some dogs have sensitive stomachs so it might be best to avoid giving them any kind of fermented food products altogether.

 If your dog has any signs of gastrointestinal problems, such as vomiting or diarrhea, it is advised to stop feeding them anything with high levels of sugar or lactose. 

Sauerkraut does contain a lot of sugar which means that these symptoms are possible when eating too much sauerkraut. 

While there isn’t a definitive answer on whether dogs can eat sauerkraut, it seems that many people are happy with having their pet enjoy some from time to time without worrying about the consequences.


Dogs can eat sauerkraut but in moderation. Too much may cause gas or diarrhea. If your dog experiences these symptoms after eating sauerkraut, you should contact your vet. 

Too much could lead to bloating and upset stomachs so you’ll want to be careful about how much you feed your dog. You also need to make sure that the cabbage is cooked long enough for it to become soft.