why does my dog slam me

Why Does My Dog Body Slam Me?

why does my dog slam me

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a body slam from your dog? If not, chances are your dog will at some point make a somewhat hard physical contact with you to tell you something important! Want to know why your dog body slams you? Keep reading as we take a closer look at body slamming as it relates to dogs and how you can use it to understand what your dog might be telling you. 

Why Does My Dog Body Slam Me?

Your dog could body slam you to pass a message – stop doing something, don’t do something, or leave me alone. But that’s not always the case.

Why Does My Dog Slam Her Butt Into Me?

If a dog is butt-bumping you, she’s letting you know that she considers herself to be in control. While many dogs who butt-bump their owners do it jokingly and in a friendly manner, your dog might do it because she’s dominant over you. 

This isn’t necessarily bad; her behavior could mean that she wants to play with you but needs to be higher up on the social hierarchy to take charge. It could also mean that she feels insecure or threatened by something else going on around her, such as another dog or person nearby. Whatever the reason for your dog’s butt-bumping behavior, remember not to encourage it by laughing at or playing along with it. 

Instead, correct her firmly while keeping eye contact with her, so she knows you’re serious about correcting her actions.

Why Does My Dog Keeps Hitting Me?

This could be a sign of dominance or that he thinks you are somehow lower than him in the pecking order. 

It’s likely a combination of these reasons and more. Either way, if your dog keeps hitting you, it’s important to understand what it might be trying to tell you. 

Dogs who keep body-slamming their owners may have some issues with their human family members that need to be addressed. 

This behavior should not be ignored as it can lead to other problems down the road, such as biting. 

Some dogs will develop aggression towards their owners because they feel like they have no other choice but to assert themselves over humans due to a lack of proper training from an early age. 

The most common reason your dog slams you is when they want something. If your dog slams you when you reach for his food bowl, it means he wants his food bowl to himself. 

The same goes for toys, treats, and even attention – anything that seems special or valuable enough for them is fair game. He’s telling you this is mine, so take notice!

Why Do Dogs Slam Their Paws?

When your dog is jumping on you or another person, he’s most likely doing it to assert dominance. 

He’s telling you that he’s in charge and wants to be where they are (which is typically on top of something). In short, your dog is trying to show his status in a very physical way. 

The best way to correct any aggression coming from a body slam is to keep him off of you by pushing him away as hard as possible. If you don’t have enough strength to do so, try getting someone else to help. If your dog continues after being pushed away, then use an umbrella or broomstick to gently swat at him until he stops. 

However, if there isn’t anyone around who can help you correct him for his behavior, just wait until he gets tired and goes away on his own.

ALSO READ: Why is My Dog Shaking After Eating?

What Does Your Dog’s Body Slam Mean?

There are certain circumstances where your dog may be body slamming you, and it is not necessarily a sign of anger. 

Let’s look at some examples. If your dog has a favorite toy or bone, and he is playing with it on his own in another room, and you walk into that room, he may try to get you to play with him by body-slamming you. This way, your dog will regain possession of his favorite toy or bone. 

He sees that as an opportunity for more fun and playtime! In other words, your dog may see you as a friend who wants to have fun with him. So when he slams his body against yours, he hopes that you will join in on the game so you both can continue having fun together. 

Another example would be if your dog is eating something delicious and someone walks up behind them and tries to take their food away; they may slam their body against whoever the intruder is because they want it back. 

They see it as an opportunity to keep what belongs to them. They are telling you no or stop. Your dog does not want anyone taking their food away from them because they worked hard for it and deserve every bite! 

The last scenario is if your dog doesn’t like strangers walking up behind him (or her) while resting on their bed. When someone approaches, your dog feels threatened and as though he needs to protect himself. 

So, instead of growling or barking, which might make things worse, your dog chooses to slam his body against you because that’s one-way dogs tell people ‘no’ or ‘stop’ or ‘not there.’ As mentioned before, your dog isn’t doing any of these behaviors out of anger. It’s simply a way for him to communicate with you. 

Just remember: As much as we love our pets, we sometimes don’t understand them. We may think our pet is angry or upset, but really, he just wants us to understand that he’s fine and everything is okay between us. Remember: Your pet does not hate you – even if he seems to like to body slam you sometimes!

What Can You Do About It?

When your dog’s body slams you, it’s best to ignore him for at least a few minutes. 

It’s not a good idea to push his face in with your hands, as he may bite when startled, and if you try to leave quickly after he slams you, he may decide that body-slamming will stop you from leaving. 

Take your time getting up and gathering yourself together. If he tries to slam you again, say No firmly and give him a short leash correction or shove his nose away with your foot. Make sure you praise him when he stops trying to slam into you. 

If it happens frequently, consider obedience training so that both of you know what is expected of each other! After he learns to behave appropriately, you can begin rewarding your dog for calm behavior by petting him, rubbing his ears, and offering a treat. 

Once he responds well to those commands, it’ll be easier to find appropriate ways to communicate with one another about what behaviors are acceptable. As always, though, keep an eye out for changes in behavior – even well-behaved dogs can suddenly change their habits if they become sick or hurt.

What If My Dog Body Slams Me When I Pet Him?

Don’t worry, that’s not aggression. He is trying to tell you he wants you to stop petting him there, or he doesn’t want you to touch him at all. If your dog body slams you repeatedly, even when you are petting him on other parts of his body, then it could be a sign of aggression.  

Some dogs don’t like being touched in certain areas, such as their hind legs or tail. When they feel pressured into allowing contact with these areas, they may react aggressively by slamming down onto you to get away from your hands. 

This isn’t necessarily a warning sign; some dogs simply prefer not to be touched in certain places and will let you know by giving a body slam. If your dog has had an unpleasant experience in that area, such as getting bit by another animal, then he might also have a negative association with being touched there. 

Try scratching him behind his ears instead if he body slams you when you try to rub his belly. Or, rub behind his ears first before moving lower on his body so he can learn to associate good things (petting) with those spots.

Your Dog Body Slamming Another Dog

As we have stated previously, body slamming is not an act of love. It is an expression of ‘no’ or ‘stop it.’ This could be because something has suddenly changed in his environment and he feels threatened by what is happening. 

If a dog has just come back from a walk and wants to do something other than go for another walk, then a change in that routine can cause him to feel threatened. 

Dogs are creatures of habit, and they like things to happen in their normal order. They may also become aggressive if they think you are trying to take over their territory – especially if more than one person is living with them. 

A territorial dispute between two dogs can lead to a fight, resulting in both dogs feeling very threatened. Another reason why your dog might slam into you is if he thinks you are going somewhere without him. 

He may have learned that when you put on your coat or pick up your bag, it means that you are going out without him, and he doesn’t want to be left behind, so he tries to stop you from leaving by jumping on top of you.
