Why Is My Dog Afraid of Flies?

Why Is My Dog Afraid of Flies?

Why Is My Dog Afraid of Flies? It’s often hard to know exactly why your dog might be afraid of something, especially when that fear has seemingly no obvious cause. However, there are certain things in your home that may seem harmless to you, but can be frightening or threatening to your dog.

Flies are one of those things – they’re completely normal and natural, but even just the buzzing sound they make can be terrifying to a dog who doesn’t understand what they are and how harmless they really are.

Understanding Your Dogs Feelings

Dogs love to chase things and will often get frustrated when they can’t catch what they’re chasing. It’s likely that when the fly flew out in front of your pup, he was so excited to catch it that he jumped up, but couldn’t reach it. This made him think the fly was teasing him and he didn’t like that one bit. He wanted to play with the fly more, so he chased after it again.

Again, the fly would go just far enough away from your pup for him not to be able to catch it and this probably really frustrated him. When a dog gets really frustrated, sometimes it might show its teeth or growl because this is its way of showing frustration or trying to scare something off.

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5 Common Reasons Dogs Are Afraid of Flies

1) Dogs have the instinct to chase and kill prey, so when a fly lands on their face or paw, they take it as a challenge.

2) Flies are hard to catch due to their quick movements and unpredictable flight paths, so some dogs may feel frustrated that they can’t catch them.

3) If your dog has had traumatic experiences with flies in the past (e.g., getting bitten), it might be scared of flies because they associate them with pain.

4) Some dogs don’t like how flies buzz in their ears, while others just don’t want to look at them because they’re gross.

5) Your pup could also be reacting negatively to the smell of the fly! In other words, not all dogs will react to flies the same way.

3) Treating Anxiety In Dogs

One of the most common causes of anxiety in dogs is a phobia. According to PetMD, Phobias are intense, irrational fears or anxieties that usually develop suddenly, such as when your dog was chased by a bee. The good news is there are many different ways to treat these phobias in dogs! Some options include using behavior modification techniques like counter conditioning and desensitization, medication (for severe cases), and therapy.

A veterinarian should be consulted before starting any type of treatment to ensure it’s safe for your pet. Dogs with extreme phobias may need professional assistance from a trainer or animal behaviorist to help them overcome their fear and live happy life! It can take time, but remember this is worth it to get your pup back to being his old self again.

When pets have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, some owners are hesitant about starting treatment because they want to wait until their dog has shown signs of improvement before taking him to see a doctor. But just know that sometimes symptoms don’t appear right away and you may need outside intervention sooner than you expect!

4) Preventing Anxiety In Dogs

The best way to prevent anxiety in dogs is to understand the cause. Your veterinarian will be able to help you determine what is causing your pet’s anxiety, and prescribe an appropriate treatment plan. You can also try herbal supplements such as GABA or Valerian Root to soothe your nerves.

You should always monitor your pet when they are on these types of supplements, as there are some that can interact with other medications; but if used properly they are generally safe. It is very important not to force interactions with other animals or people, as this may reinforce their fears and make them worse over time. It is also a good idea to make sure your home is as distraction-free as possible because this often helps reduce anxiety in pets.

If you have any questions about how to take care of your pets during times of high stress, contact your vet for more information! They can provide expert advice on helping your pet live peacefully through difficult situations.

Why Does My Dog Hate Flies?

The most common reason why a dog may dislike or hate flies is that they remind him or her of the smell and sight of a predator. For example, coyotes are often found in packs hunting down prey and have been known to take down animals as large as deer.

One way a coyote will catch its prey is by jumping up in the air, making sudden movements at a rapid speed, and landing near its intended target. These tactics mimic what a fly might do while trying to land on an animal and frighten it.

A second explanation for this behavior could be that a person’s pet has encountered an unpleasant encounter with a fly which caused them to associate it with an unpleasant experience. Oftentimes, this can happen when there are too many flies in one area and the owner tries to swat them away from his or her pet because they don’t want their pet getting bitten by the insect.

Why Do Dogs Catch Flies?

Dogs catch flies and eat them. This is the most common explanation for why dogs are scared of them. It may also be that a fly swatter or insecticide has been nearby, triggering a sense of fear or anger in the dog, which causes it to want to flee from anything that might resemble it. Another possibility is that there’s a memory buried deep in your pup’s brain, like a traumatic experience with a fly when they were younger.

Do Flies Bother Dogs?

Your pet’s fear of flies might be a result of the type of experience they had when they were a puppy or kitten. For example, if your pet was once bitten by a fly, then he will probably be scared whenever he sees one. Your pet might also have learned to associate flies with something unpleasant. For example, if your pet saw you react in anger to the fly, then he will also be scared when he sees one. Flies can also scare pets because they are often carriers of diseases and parasites.

Why Are Flies Attacking My Dogs Ears?

It might be that you need to clean your dog’s ears out more. Flies are attracted to the smell and may have been drawn to a buildup of earwax that could be causing the fly problem. Check your dog’s ears for dirt or debris and use a cotton ball or cotton swab to remove it. You can also try placing an ear solution inside their ears every day for a week or two.

If you don’t have any available, make some with three tablespoons of alcohol mixed with one tablespoon of white vinegar, then add just enough water to cover the bottom of a cup.
If this doesn’t work, there might be another issue going on such as allergies, so check with your veterinarian.

What Will Keep Flies Away?

The best way to keep flies away from your pup or kitty is to make sure they have plenty of fresh water and food. Flies are attracted to waste, so making sure your pet has the opportunity to relieve themselves often will help deter the pests. If you have a pet door, consider closing it up at night when you leave for work or go on vacation.

Leaving it open invites bugs in and can make them more susceptible to disease-carrying ones such as ticks and fleas. It’s also important to clean up any areas that may attract flies such as garbage cans or piles of dirt and leaves around your home. Vacuuming carpets, floors, and furniture also help remove any hidden bits of trash or debris that could serve as fly traps.

You should also avoid putting out dishes with rotting food outside where they may attract insects. Feed pets indoors during hot weather or when there’s a chance for rain. Give your pet access to plenty of cool, shady spots outdoors during warmer months and provide shelter from rain or snow if necessary.

Also, remember that screens on windows and doors can be helpful not only by keeping pesky intruders out but also by protecting against mosquitos who carry the West Nile virus among other diseases.


The most likely reason your dog is afraid of flies is that they are a threat to your pet. The fly has a mouth full of nasty, disease-carrying microbes that it could easily transfer to you or your pet if it came in contact with either one. Because some breeds of dogs are more sensitive than others, it may be best to consult a veterinarian or animal behavioral specialist to ensure that there isn’t something else going on.

If this doesn’t work, try giving your dog an antifungal medication for the next few days and see how it goes. If your dog does not respond positively to these steps, he may need treatment from a professional behaviorist and/or medication prescribed by his veterinarian.
One possible way to help combat the fear of flies is by exposing your pet to them gradually.
