Why is My Dog's Poop Cold?

Why is My Dog’s Poop Cold?

You’re probably thinking, What do you mean, why is my dog’s poop cold? That’s the thing. It doesn’t have to be, and if it happens to be, there’s probably something off your pup’s health. 

Read on to learn more about why my dog’s poop is cold and what to do about it to give your pup the best life possible!

Reasons You Could Be Seeing This

It’s important to know that your dog can’t communicate with you—so if he starts having diarrhea, it could be due to several reasons. 

That said, if you notice that his feces looks unusually cold (compared to what you usually see), there are a few explanations. Here are three common causes for why your dog’s poop might look and feel cold: 


  • Diarrhea from eating ice cubes or other frozen foods: If you give your frozen dog treats like ice cubes, they may hurt his digestive tract. This can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues that result in stool that feels icy or cold to the touch. You should avoid giving him these types of threats in general because they don’t provide much nutritional value anyway—but also make sure to monitor how many he eats so as not to cause problems down the road.


  • Dehydration: Like humans, dogs can become dehydrated when they lose too much fluid through vomiting, diarrhea, or exercise. When dehydration occurs, their stools will become very dry and hard—when you scoop them out of the litter box, they’ll feel more frozen than usual. To combat dehydration in your pup, keep fresh water available at all times; even just one missed drink can lead to severe complications down the line.


  • Constipation: Constipation isn’t as easy to recognize in dogs as in humans, but it still has similar symptoms. The most apparent sign is difficulty passing bowel movements—and while constipation usually isn’t dangerous, it can sometimes be fatal if left untreated. If you notice that your dog hasn’t had a bowel movement within 24 hours of eating regular food, consider taking him to the vet immediately, so he doesn’t get worse. While these things aren’t daily, they shouldn’t alarm you unless they happen often enough to change your dog’s overall demeanor or attitude.

Even if he seems perfectly fine after experiencing loose stool, it never hurts to contact your veterinarian about unusual behaviors! Your veterinarian can help ensure that your puppy is healthy and happy…and, hopefully, come up with some tasty new ways to help her pass her bowel movements naturally!

Read Also: Why Does My Dog Stand On His Back Legs?

What Does a Sick Dog’s Poop Look Like?

If your pet’s poo is soft, slimy, and has an unpleasant odor, it could indicate that your dog is sick. 

It might seem obvious, but many dog owners don’t realize that their pets’ poop can tell them a lot about their animal’s health – so being able to spot changes in your pet’s waste can be helpful if you want to know how they are feeling. 

Do Dogs Poop When It’s Cold?

Yes, but probably not for the reason you think. Contrary to popular belief, your dog’s intestines don’t freeze when outside in winter. Their poop may be cold because their body temperature has dropped due to shivering. 

Shivering causes our bodies to burn energy (calories) at an increased rate to produce heat. If your dog gets cold, it will start shivering and burning more calories than usual. 

As a result, they’ll need to eat extra food to replenish what they’ve burned off. Since dogs can’t digest food properly when they’re stressed or nervous, it’s common for them to vomit or have diarrhea after being frightened by loud noises or experiencing stress from separation anxiety. 

If your dog is pooping hard stools frequently without any other symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea, it could be caused by something else entirely.

Why Does Dog Poop Turn White In The Winter?

If you live in a cold climate, you’re probably used to seeing your dog’s poop turn white during the winter. But why exactly does it happen? Well, scientists don’t know—but they have some theories! 

You see, dog poop contains traces of bile that help with digesting food. Bile gets darker when your dog eats more brown or yellow-colored foods such as meat and liver. 

In addition, the temperature affects how much bile your dog produces. So if it’s colder outside, he may produce less bile, so his poop will be lighter. 

Plus, dogs tend to eat less in cold weather, which means their stool will also be smaller. This can also lead to lighter poops. All of these factors combined make for snow-white feces!

What Does It Mean When A Dog Poops Gel?

When a dog poops gel, it’s nothing to worry about. If you notice that your dog’s stool has become sticky or gelatinous and you didn’t feed him recently, it could be a sign that he has an obstruction in his intestines. 

His stomach may also be irritated or upset and causing him to vomit up bile. This bile then mixes with the food in his stomach and turns into a thick paste expelled from his body as diarrhea. 

It can sometimes come out as poop that looks like jello. It’s important to note, however, if your dog seems lethargic or if there are any other concerning symptoms associated with his condition (such as vomiting blood), it might be best to have him checked by a veterinarian right away. 

In most cases, though, gelling is normal. 

  • Ensure your dog isn’t too cold: Gelatinous stools tend to happen when dogs go outside in colder temperatures for long periods without moving around much. When dogs get too cold, they slow down their metabolism and move less because they don’t want to burn off more energy than necessary. This can cause them to feel sick since their bodies cannot process everything properly. The solution: take them inside!

What Does It Mean When A Dog’s Poop Is White?

A dog’s poop can be white for a few reasons. When your puppy eats certain foods, it may lead to color changes in their stool. It could also signal that there is an underlying medical problem. 

You should always check with your veterinarian if you see a change in how your dog’s stool looks, especially if there are other symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. 

Your vet can determine what is causing your pup’s abnormal stools so that you can take steps to help him feel better. 

In some cases, however, even when everything appears normal on a blood test or urinalysis, dogs will continue having abnormal stools. 

There isn’t any one reason why dogs have these types of bowel movements; it may be due to travel stress or changes in their diet. 

If your pet has been eating high-quality food but still has irregular bowel movements, adding fiber to his diet might help. 

If you aren’t sure which type of fiber would be best for your dog, ask your vet before making any dietary changes. Adding too much fiber at once could cause bloating or diarrhea.


There are many reasons why a dog’s poop may be cold, and in fact, not all of them are directly related to your dog. Often, a dog’s diet can affect how its stool looks and what it smells like. 

If you have further questions about your puppy’s poops (or anything related to pets), do not hesitate to drop a comment below! 
