Why Do Dogs Blow Out Their Nose? 

Why Do Dogs Blow Out Their Nose? Dogs blowing air out of their noses could be something to worry about for their owners. It’s important to address the problem since it could be something innocent, or related to breathing problems. So why do dogs blow out their noses?

Why Do Dogs Blow Out Their Nose?

When a dog does this, it probably means it’s trying to blow something out of its nose, just like humans do. This behavior could be caused by something stuck inside their snoot, cold and allergies, or simply a harmless respiratory condition.

Regardless, it’s important to appoint a visit to the vet, in order to get your puppy examined in case there’s a serious problem.

Runny Nose

If he is trying heavily to blow air out of its nostrils, it means it could be trying to clean its nasal passages. Unlike us, dogs cannot just take a tissue and clean their nose, so they try by blowing air out, licking their nose, or sneezing.

A runny nose could be caused by many factors that affect the mascot:

Allergies and irritation: the dog’s exposure to certain things can irritate its nose, such as cigarette smoke, perfumes, dust, weather, or cleaning chemicals. 

They will generally sneeze in order to get rid of these allergens in their nose.

Respiratory infections: any virus or bacteria related to it could complicate the animal’s breathing system. If their nose drips all day with yellow or green discharge, means infection and will require the pup to take antibiotics.


Nasal Discharge Treatment

A simple allergy and runny nose could develop into something more complex. If you notice your dog with increased temperature, increased sleep hours, not eating, or other abnormal behavior, it’s crucial to go to the vet. The allergy might have evolved into some kind of infection.

Depending on the type of the problem, your dog will be treated with the necessary method:

Antibiotics, anti-parasitic, or antifungals in case of an infection.

In case of something stuck in the nose, surgical removal may be necessary depending on how deep inside is the foreign object. This also applies to the tumors around the area. Some dogs use their noses to smell a lot, predisposing them to accidentally snort something up their nose.

Antihistamines and corticosteroids are usually the most frequent treatment used to reduce allergies.

Reverse Sneezing

Reverse sneezing in dogs can be quite annoying or worrying for dog owners, but it’s actually quite common and harmless. This respiratory event is caused by forced inhalation of air through the nose, along with gag noises.

Common causes that provoke this are irritation due to inhaling different irritants mentioned above. You can reduce this event by rubbing your dog’s throat, and relaxing it. Covering their nostrils, or slightly blowing your pup’s face also helps them to inhale.

Throat Pressure

Tight neck collars and leashes can affect your dog and provoke reverse sneezing. It’s essential to get the right leash for your dog to make him feel comfortable.


Allergy is the most common cause of this sneezing type. Any kind of irritant causes it, due to the hyper-sensibility dogs have to their smell. Cold stations like winter or even spring can affect it too.


Funny and physical activities like playing with them can also provoke reverse sneezing. Over-excitement affects their breathing, especially in breeds with short noses.

Breathing Patterns

After taking a nap, it’s possible that it can also cause reverse sneezing, with their breathing pattern changed. It’s a harmless thing, and won’t cause any pain, future illness, or physical problems to your puppy.

Labored Breathing

If the puppy notices he has trouble breathing, he might try to use other muscles to help his body to breathe. By elevating the first ribs, neck muscles will increase and expand the chest, widen the nostrils and use the mouth.

Labored breathing must be addressed quickly with a vet because it could be affecting many parts of the dog. Lungs, heart, or chest, including asthma, heartworms, organ diseases, or even cancer.

There are some common conditions related to this issue:


Affects your dog by increasing the breathing rate. Rapid breathing normally occurs after exercise and other physical activity, but if this is not the case it could be a sign of an infection or anemia.


It complicates the dogs’ inhalation and exhalation process, producing cough, mouth breathing, and other posture symptoms. A vet appointment is crucial because it could be related to an underlying disease.


While it is normal for dogs to do it to cool down, occasionally it becomes abnormal. This can be caused by high blood pressure, fever, or illnesses.

Scent Gathering

Sometimes, dogs just blow air out of their nose for the simple act of sniffing and smelling new scents that captured their attention.

It could be possible that something got into their nose and they’re trying to push it out, clearing their nose nostrils.


Many factors can affect your dog’s respiratory system. While most of them are harmless, sometimes they can develop into more dangerous illnesses if it lasts over time. That’s when it’s always vital to get your pup checked in by the vet to know what steps to follow.

With that all being said, the question “Why do dogs blow out their nose” is now addressed for worried owners to know how to proceed. 
