Why Does My Dog’s Ear Make A Crackling Noise?
Why does my dog’s ear make a crackling noise? Unfortunately, dogs with ear infections are common in the veterinary world. Ear infections can be excruciating and lead to other problems down the road, so it’s essential to recognize the signs of an ear infection and treat it as soon as possible!
If you notice your dog shaking their head or scratching at its ears, or rubbing its head against furniture, this might indicate an ear infection, although there are other reasons why your dog may exhibit these symptoms, too.
Why does my dog’s ear make crackling noise? Here’s how you can tell if your dog has an ear infection, as well as what you can do about it!
Table of Contents
Why Is My Dog’s Ear Crackling?
Why does my dog’s ear make a crackling noise?. If your pet’s ears are making crackling noises, that means he has fluid in his middle ear. If you hear it once or twice, don’t be alarmed; if it keeps happening, though, it could be an indication of a more severe problem.
Middle ear infections are common in dogs, just like in people. To determine whether or not your dog has fluid buildup in his middle ear, here’s what you need to know: What is fluid in my dog’s ear? : Fluid can build up for various reasons, including allergies and infections.
If there’s too much pressure on your pet’s eardrum, it can rupture and cause bleeding into the middle ear cavity. This blood causes a lot of pain, so your dog will likely shake his head and scratch his ear.
He may tilt his head to one side or lie down with one paw over his ear while whining or crying out. The most important thing to do when you notice these symptoms is to take your pet to see a vet right away. How do I get rid of fluid in my dog’s ear?
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How Do You Fix A Dog’s Crackling Ear?
Several factors can cause your dog’s ears to make popping and cracking sounds, but one of those causes is usually pretty easily treatable.
If you suspect your puppy’s ears are making noises, you should contact your vet doctor for advice.
But first, some of the most common reasons dogs develop popping and crackling sounds in their ears.
- Ear mites: While these tiny parasites are most commonly found in cats, they occasionally infect dogs.
Ear mites live off of dead skin cells and build up inside of a dog’s ears, causing irritation that leads to itchiness and excess wax production—which then creates an ideal environment for more mites to thrive in.
An infected dog will likely scratch or shake his head frequently, and if you notice dark brown or black debris around his ears, there’s a good chance he has ear mites.
You should take him to see your vet immediately if you think he might have them.
- Foreign objects: A small piece of grass or dirt could get stuck in your puppy’s ear canal, causing inflammation that results in popping and crackling sounds when air moves through his inner-ear space.
Remove foreign objects from your dog’s ears by gently pulling on his ear flap until you can see into his ear canal, then use tweezers to pluck out whatever caused the blockage.
- Infection: Any infection in a dog’s ears (including yeast infections or bacterial infections like staphylococcus and streptococcus) can cause painful swelling and redness that makes popping and crackling sounds when air flows through his inner-ear space.
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What Does Crackling In The Ear Mean?
Why does my dog’s ear make cracking noise? There are different causes. Ear wax can cause your ears to crackle and pop. Glands produce earwax in your ear canal, normally draining out of your ears without causing problems.
Sometimes, however, people have too much earwax, or their bodies produce extra amounts for unknown reasons.
If you notice that your ears are always plugged up with wax, or you feel like you hear through water, you may have excess earwax.
You should see an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) if you think you might have excess earwax buildup. He will use instruments called suction bulbs to remove any excess wax from your ears.
When he removes your earwax, it may cause popping or other noises. Another possible explanation for crackling in your ears could be related to changes in pressure.
Your eardrum separates air inside your middle ear from fluid inside your inner ear. When you swallow or yawn, these movements change the pressure on both sides of your eardrum, leading to popping sounds and cracks and pops in one or both of your ears.
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How Can I Treat My Dog’s Ear Infection Without Going To The Vet?
Why does my dog’s ear make a crackling noise? Infections are not uncommon among dogs and can be caused by a bacterial or yeast infection. If your dog’s ears are bothering them (and it sounds like they must be!), you might be tempted to take them straight to an emergency clinic.
It’s important to know that some home remedies may be as effective at healing infected ears as going straight to a vet while saving you time and money!
Here are five ways to treat an infected ear at home. You can also use warm water if you don’t have hydrogen peroxide on hand.
Make sure to dry their ears thoroughly after cleaning them out so that no moisture is left inside, which could cause additional irritation for your pet.
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Common Causes Of Clicking Or Crackling Noises In A Dog’s Ear
Otitis externa or Otitis interna: Commonly called swimmer’s ear, otitis externa occurs when water stays in the canal too long and causes infection.
It can also be caused by allergies or other external irritants, including excessive scratching of that area. Dog breeds with pendulous (hanging) ears are at higher risk for developing infections of these types.
Otitis interna is an inflammation of the inner ear and is usually related to the middle-ear disease. The term otitis refers to inflammation of any part of your dog’s ear; it comes from two Greek words meaning inflammation and the ear.
Otitis media, or middle ear inflammation, is standard in dogs and humans. Bacteria and viruses can cause an infection that fills up some of your dog’s middle-ear space.
This builds pressure behind his eardrum, causing him pain and discomfort until he starts feeling better again.
Dogs suffering from otitis media may have a head tilt because they try to relieve pressure on their eardrum by tilting their head one way or another.
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Fluid In The External Ear Canal
Why does my dog’s ear make a crackling noise? There are several causes of fluid in your dog’s external ear canal. The most common cause is itching due to allergies or an infection.
Other possible reasons for fluid are injury to your pet, blockage of their eustachian tubes (which connect the nose to the middle ear), cysts or tumors on their skin, and even kidney problems.
If you suspect that there may be something wrong with your dog’s ears, it is best to take them to a veterinarian immediately. Your vet will examine your pet thoroughly and decide if it needs further testing.
If they do, your vet will likely recommend one of two tests: radiographs or ultrasound.
Radiographs involve taking X-rays of your dog’s ears while under sedation and can show any foreign objects lodged in their ear canal and any underlying infections.
Ultrasounds use sound waves to create images of structures within your pet’s body and can be used to help detect the fluid buildup behind their eardrum.
- https://welovedoodles.com/why-does-my-dogs-ear-make-a-crackling-noise/
- https://lazypawvet.com/blog/2017/03/27/ear-infection-treatment-dogs/
- https://www.banfield.com/en/Wellness-at-banfield/Ear-Care/Can-you-treat-a-dog-ear-infection-without-a-vet