Why Does Only One Ear Stand Up On My Dog

Why Does Only One Ear Stand Up On My Dog?

Why Does Only One Ear Stand Up On My Dog? Or more specifically, why do dogs stand up both ears when they are relaxed, but only one ear stands up when they are alert and ready to listen? The answer to this simple question involves the vestibular system of the inner ear and the function of its canals, in addition to the shape and size of the skull and the soft tissue that makes contact with it. This article will examine all of these factors to determine why dogs stand up both ears when they are relaxed, but only one ear when they are listening intently to their surroundings.

The Breed Of Your Dog

Dogs that are bred to do work such as hunting, herding or pulling might be more likely to have a droopy ear. This is because these breeds rely on their ears to help them do their jobs. Dogs like Basset Hounds and Dachshunds that have been bred to sniff out small prey are also more likely to have floppy ears because they often spend a lot of time on the ground and can’t hear as well with their ears down.


The same goes for dogs like Poodles and Yorkies that have been bred to carry things in their mouths: Their ears usually flop over when they carry something heavy in their mouth. Puppies are born with erect ears and it’s not until around three months old that their ears start to droop. One ear is usually higher than the other but there’s no need for concern – this just means your puppy will be easier to identify when he grows up!

The Root of the Behavior

The reason that your pup’s ears are sticking out at different angles is likely due to genetics or injuries. When they’re in the process of growing, some dogs may have damage to the cartilage in their ears which causes them to be malformed.

If this is the case, they will need surgery. Additionally, genetic tendencies may be present. Some breeds such as Doberman pinschers and Great Danes commonly exhibit a natural form of asymmetrical ear shape. It can also happen if an injury has happened over time because it can cause permanent changes to the cartilage structure in both ears (though not always).

The Age Of Your Dog

One of the most common reasons that a dog’s ears will not be standing erect is that they are younger than six months old. Puppies and kittens have floppy ears that tend to not stand up, but as they grow older their ears should become more rigid and stronger.

This is also true for breeds like Dalmatians, Pugs, Shar-Peis, Basset Hounds, Beagles, and Bulldogs where ears are naturally floppy.

When your dog matures, its ears will either stand erect or fall back down onto its head. If your dog is over six months old and has floppy ears that don’t seem to want to stand up, it may be a sign of an inner ear infection or other medical condition.

If Your Dog Has Had Any Previous Injuries

If your dog has had a previous injury to the inner or outer ear, it is possible that the cartilage has been damaged and won’t grow back. Also, an infection or inflammation of the inner or outer ear can cause swelling which may permanently damage the cartilage in that area.

If you notice any redness around their ears, this could be a sign of an infection and should be checked out by a vet as soon as possible. There are many ways that your pet’s ears can become injured or infected but luckily there are also many treatments available to help them heal quickly.
A common way for dogs’ ears to get injured is if they have long hair near their head and neck. Their hairs could easily get wrapped up around the animal’s ear canal while they are shaking their head, causing irritation and pain.

The Size Of Your Dog’s Ears

Some dogs have ears that stand straight up, others have ears that droop downward. It is a breed or genetic thing, and it has to do with the cartilage in the ear. Some breeds of dogs, like German Shepherds and Basset Hounds, tend to have droopy ears.

Other breeds, like Chihuahuas and Pugs, will typically have perky ears. The inner cartilage of their ears is more flexible and they are more able to adjust them. These differences can be seen in humans as well. If you are not sure what type of ear your dog has, just look at their relatives: if they have droopy ears then they probably had them too!

Encouraging the Behavior

If you want to encourage the desired behavior in your pet, there are a few ways that you can do this. The first is by having them perform the desired behavior in front of a mirror. This will give them an opportunity to see what they’re doing and may even show them how rewarding it is. Another way to encourage the desired behavior is by making sure that you reward it with treats or attention when the desired behavior is performed.

You should also make sure that you do not reward behaviors that you don’t want to continue seeing, like barking. You can also try setting rules for your pets so they know exactly what’s expected from them.

Is It Normal For a Dog To Have One Ear Up and one Ear Down?

Some dogs have both ears standing erect, while others may have one ear that is down and the other ear standing erect. It is not uncommon for a dog to have a floppy or droopy ear. Some breeds of dogs are more prone to drooping ears than others, including Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, and Basset Hounds.

There are many different causes of drooping ears in dogs. The most common cause of a floppy or drooped ear in a dog is heredity.

Why Does One Of My Dog’s Ears Not Stand Up?

Dogs’ ears can be floppy and not stand upright for a few reasons. The most common reason is that the dog’s ear was injured or dislocated at some point in its life. The other reason is that their ear canal is too long, so they can’t stand upright because the skin over the top of their skull is too tight and restricts them from doing so.
