Why is My Dog Walking Slowly?

Why is My Dog Walking Slowly?

Why is My Dog Walking Slowly? If your dog appears to be walking very slowly, limping, or showing signs of discomfort, you might be concerned about what is causing these symptoms. While there are many potential causes for your pet’s limp, such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other conditions, the most common reason why dogs walk slowly is because of pain in their paws.

If you think your dog’s walking slowly due to pain in its paws, read on to learn how to help make your pup more comfortable as well as ways to prevent this from happening again in the future.

What Does it Mean When My Dog Stops Moving Quickly?

If your dog suddenly slows down, it could be a sign of exhaustion. Dogs naturally slow down as they age and this can happen to younger dogs if they overexert themselves or are sick.

If the slowing down continues and you notice other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, or difficulty breathing, you should see your vet right away. Another common cause for a sudden slowing in activity is dehydration, which can cause all sorts of different issues depending on how severe it is.

It’s also possible that he has injured himself; if he starts limping or refusing to walk after being active for a while, take him straight to the vet. Older dogs may develop arthritis in their hips or knees, which will lead them to move more slowly.

And finally, some breeds of dogs have a natural tendency to walk slowly. Some examples are Basset Hounds, Corgis, Pugs, and Boston Terriers. While walking slower doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with your dog, it’s always important to watch out for signs of illness.

If you notice any unusual behavior like staggering or loss of coordination, seek medical attention immediately. Otherwise, call the vet during normal hours for an appointment just to make sure there isn’t anything serious going on.

The best thing you can do to prevent injuries from occurring is regular exercise and wearing proper identification tags (which might include rabies vaccination information) so that if your pet does get lost, he’ll be returned safely.

What Are Some Other Common Conditions That Cause An Arthritic Dog To Move Slowly?

While arthritis may be the most common cause of a dog that walks slowly, it’s not the only one. Osteoarthritis, for example, can also be a source of pain and discomfort for your pup. Your vet will do a physical exam as well as take some x-rays to determine what is causing your dog’s mobility issues.

There are also other conditions that could lead to an arthritic dog walking slowly such as injuries or hip dysplasia. The first step in diagnosing these conditions is getting a thorough physical exam from your veterinarian. They’ll go over your pet’s entire body, looking for signs of injury or any other abnormalities that could have been caused by something else.

What Does It Mean When a dog is struggling to walk?

It’s hard to see your pet struggling with the everyday activities that they used to take for granted, and it’s even harder when you don’t know what’s causing them to struggle. There are many reasons why a dog might be walking slowly, so it’s best to consult your vet if you’re at all concerned.

Some of the more common causes of an unsteady gait include hip dysplasia, arthritis in the spine or back limbs, neurological disorders like degenerative myelopathy or spinal cord injury, tumors in their hind end that put pressure on their legs and lower back muscles, or ruptured disks.

These ailments can make it difficult for dogs to put weight on their back legs while standing up on their front paws. In some cases, the ailment will only affect one leg (asymmetric weakness) but at other times both hind legs will be affected.

Depending on the underlying cause, your dog may start out slow and get worse over time, as they lose muscle mass in their hind end from inactivity. Arthritis can also cause stiffness during cold weather that worsens over time because of decreased blood flow to these joints during winter months.


What Causes a Dog To Slow Down?

A dog’s natural walking speed is between 4-6 miles per hour. If a dog slows down, it could be due to any number of reasons. A few common culprits are heat stroke, pain, and arthritis. Older dogs can also slow down due to a variety of issues such as old age or an injury that has healed.

In the event that your older pup seems to be slowing down for no apparent reason, there may not actually be anything wrong. As a pet age, its body changes, and its physical abilities start to diminish which results in slower movement than it once had when they were younger.

If you notice your dog dragging his feet, or if he limps when he walks, then it’s possible he’s hurting himself on his walk. On top of this, if you have noticed him urinating outside of his usual place more often than normal, then he might have an infection and needs to see a vet right away.

How Do I Know If My Dog’s Walking Problems Are Serious or Not Serious?

If your dog seems to be dragging their back legs, or if they’re walking with an unusual gait, then it’s time to take them to the vet. There are a few different reasons why your dog might be walking slowly, and all of them need to be checked out by a professional.

The most common reason for this problem is arthritis, which can affect any breed or age of the animal. Your vet will usually run some tests and prescribe medication and therapy for dogs who have this condition. Dogs may also develop neurological conditions that make it difficult for them to walk, such as in the case of canine degenerative myelopathy.

In these cases, physical therapy and medications may be prescribed as well. The good news is that there are treatments available!

How Can I Help An Arthritic Dog Who Walks Slowly?

It’s important to have a plan in place for when your dog starts to slow down. After all, they’re going to need extra care as they get older. There are a few things you can do that may help make their life more comfortable and enjoyable as they age:
-Talk with your vet about medication options, especially if he or she has been diagnosed with arthritis. Dogs who are given appropriate pain medication often show significant improvement. Some vets will prescribe drugs like Rimadyl, Carprofen, Metacam, and Adequan.
-As the condition progresses some dogs may need the use of an Elizabethan collar so they don’t lick at the site of discomfort on their neck or shoulders.

Why Did My Dog Start Walking Weirdly?

There are many reasons why a dog might start to walk differently. Some conditions that can lead to dogs walking in an unusual way include neurological problems, congenital birth defects, hip dysplasia, and arthritis. Sometimes there isn’t a single cause for this issue; it could just be due to the wear and tear on their joints as they age.

In any case, if your dog has been acting strangely lately or started walking differently, bring them to your vet for a checkup. Your vet will do an exam and perform some tests to help pinpoint what could be going on with your pup so you can get them feeling better again!


There are a number of reasons why your dog might be walking slowly, from old age to an injury. If you notice that your dog starts walking more slowly, get it checked out!
